Episode 111: Your Body Knows A Lot

Hello, your body knows, like for real. Brendan talks with Jessa Zarubica, writer, director, content creator and health expert in denial. The two friends dive deep in several topics like Jessa's battle with an eating disorder, why you don't need to lose weight to have life your dreams, why fad diets are bullsh*t, the idea of being fat skinny, how to rewrite the train of negative self-talk, how to eat intuitively, and why most workouts are three minutes of running, and 27 minutes of selfies.

Jessa Zarubica IG
Jessa Zarubicva Website
Intuitive Eating
Los Angeles Cocaine Restaurant


Episode 112: “You're Not Going to Punch the Baby."


Episode 110: Ok, So You Suck at Parenting...